Near impossible…
It’s been a long time (luckily) since I have to had to try to find a flat or place to live. My daughter is in the midst of the horror now. Full-time job, nice person, reasonable salary – nothing… It’s a desert, full of shit rooms for virtually a month’s wages per month. I’m sure that I am late to this particular facet of modern life but how in the name of holy fuck are the generations coming through ever going to be free of the debt they have been saddled with for their education AND find reasonable places to live and contribute to society without every penny of their hard-earned brass being leached away by money-grubbing slum landlords peddling vermin-infested hovels?
If this feels like a rant, it is. Delighted to be spending time with Meg but she wants (needs) her independence, As a 28-year-old woman, living with Mum and Dad (particularly this Dad!), is not a lifestyle choice. Sure we are all warm (ish) and dry but how can a society progress if our children are hobbled by the greedy few squeezing every last drop from them?
Rant over but I’m sure I will return to this in the future or at least report that some miracle has occurred and accommodation has been found! This week I have been brushing up my driving skills by doing some coach driving just to earn some pennies. It has been wonderful ‘sharing’ my sounds with the passengers as they go to school. This morning it was Kevin Morby and Josh Rouse, yesterday a Steve Earle special! Tonight’s run will feature a compilation including the new Hurray for the Riff Raff single, some Half Dream and much more and maybe this week’s episode of Sounds from beyond the Shed from Mixcloud which includes lots of brilliant stuff (CSN, Margo Cilker, Jeffrey Martin, Sparklehorse, Arlo Guthrie etc). Therefore the choices are clear for this week’s listen. Hurray for the Riff Raff and some Half Dream. As ever take what you want or need… oh and if you have a flat for rental a reasonable price in Milton Keynes let me know please….