Sounds from beyond the Shed – Week 28

Photo credit: Shervin Lainez

After two festivals the madness begins…

So we return to the fray with no restrictions and no protection other than two lateral flow tests per student before term commences. Day one I am in an assembly with 200 people and 1 window open…

It’s a big change and one that will take some getting used to. In my class of 22 in a room the size of a small doctor’s waiting room I gave up on the mask after 5 minutes of trying to make myself heard. Let’s hope the next thing they hear isn’t a hacking persistent cough.

What has been wonderful to see is the delight of the students to see school returning to some kind of normality – sports and music as well as year groups interacting with each other and even lunching together – simple things that had been considered unimportant but that connectivity is what make us what and who we are and it had been lost in the melee.

The students are meant to be testing regularly but few of them are, unless showing symptoms and we currently have several isolating for testing positive once showing symptoms – what about those without any?

I have to trust in the efficacy of the vaccines to protect myself and my colleagues that and the power of music to ward off anything harmful. If music can ward off nastiness then Red Rooster and End of the Road gave me a booster that will at least last until Black Deer next summer. Both joyful, crowded, carefree and life-affirming and a great way to reconnect with friends and loved ones in the great outdoors

My three songs for the new term are all newish ones Steve Gunn returns with this dreamy track recalling for me at least the spirit of Nels Cline, then there’s Katy J Pearson from “Return” and thirdly a taste of the wonderful Felice Brothers latest offering.





About Keith Hargreaves 468 Articles
Riding the one eyed horse into dead town the scales fell from his eyes. Music was the only true god at once profane and divine The dust blew through his mind as he considered the offering... And then he scored it out of ten and waited for the world to wake up
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