Sounds from beyond the Shed – Week 94

Charity begins at home, or does it?

Charity all night row

One of the things I shall miss when I leave school is the ability to organise several people to be in one place at one time in aid of one cause. Throughout my time teaching I have utilised the resource of lots of energetic school kids to raising money for suitable causes. It has always seemed to me that if you organise it properly, one single event can raise thousands and so it was this last Friday night when 50 of my students rowed rowing machines from 6pm after a days school until 7am the following morning in aid of a couple of local charities. Each student had a target of raising as close to £100 as they could. In the end we raised £3.5K in one night. It was knackering and messy but a great night although 3-5am proved a tricky time as they began to drop like flies and only a small core of lunatics kept the machines rolling. Fuelled by a huge Paella pan fry up they made it to the finish line. In total they rowed 980kms that’s just about Paris and back from our school!

It’s events like this I shall miss although the sleep has taken me three days to recapture. I would have liked to have helped them with a powerful soundtrack but they much preferred some urban nonsense with lots of expletives, ah well, there’s room for all tastes on this earth.

What would I have motivated them with I hear you ask. Well we’d have started with Steve Earle, moved swiftly onto some Gin Blossoms and followed up with some Petty. Classics all but all well worth a blast on a spring day. As ever take what you want or need.

About Keith Hargreaves 435 Articles
Riding the one eyed horse into dead town the scales fell from his eyes. Music was the only true god at once profane and divine The dust blew through his mind as he considered the offering... And then he scored it out of ten and waited for the world to wake up
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