Over the delicatest of guitar work Susan Cattaneo asks on ‘Borrowed Blue‘ about roles that woman can find themselves in – roles that, and it really does make one wonder fifty years into the era of women’s’ liberation, society can still manage to enforce: “We question our worth / what we deserve / We inhabit the same dark / we say “I love you” then what do we do ? / We put ourselves down, put ourselves last / look at our lives, a half empty glass.”
This beautifully spare song draws on the complicated relationships between mothers and our daughters, as Susan Cattaneo explains “What do we, as women, inherit and what do we pass on? What roles do we play and what sacrifices do we make? I am the daughter of a mother in her nineties and the mother of a teenage daughter, and I wanted to explore these themes and show how sometimes we are caught between what we’ve been taught and being our true selves.”
‘Borrowed Blue‘ is the new single from the new album ‘All is Quiet,’ which was recorded remotely during 2020 and features the guitar work of Kevin Barry and Duke Levine and was co-produced with Lorne Entress. When not singing her own songs Susan Cattaneo can be heard in the indie folk duo Honest Mechanik with Paul Hansen of The Grownup Noise. – and when doing neither of those she can be found as a Songwriting Professor at the Berklee College of Music where for the past 20 years, Susan Cattaneo has helped students work on over 15,000 songs in all musical genres and styles and mentored over 2,000 artists.