Teghan Devon “Little Lion” (Broken Juke Box Media, 2020)

Teghan Devon’s voice has the lyrical quality of an angel, that can be of no doubt. It is melodic, symphonic, harmonious. Her musicianship, and that of all the participants on this EP ‘Little Lion‘, is delicate and immaculate. Her lyrics thoughtful, real, and moving.
Yet, this project EP about the loss of her beloved dog, Sarge, does not quite work.

Devon describes ‘Little Lion‘ as showing her different stages of grief but, as equally sadly as the songs themselves, she does not emerge from the process feeling better. So it begs the question of what is ultimately in it for the listener. Music and lyrics need to move the listener, that is critical to a good song, but an album or in this case, an EP, should leave the listener as grief-stricken as when they began listening. We need to hear the happy memories of which there are no doubt lots between Devon and Sarge. We need to know that there is hope at the end of the long tunnel of grief or even just some light. Sadly, this project does not give that, and the worry for Devon is that she has not yet come through her grief. Hopefully, in that case, the project has been somewhat cathartic for her. Still, for anyone grieving being brave enough to listen to these beautiful yet hopelessly mournful songs, it’s doubtful if it will be cathartic for them.

Devon is still young and would do well to channel her talents into adding brighter, more joyous subject matter to her repertoire. Celebrate memories and experiences. That’s not to suggest she loses ‘Little Lion’;  it will serve her well in twenty-thirty years, but for now, enjoy youthfulness and the joys of life.

Counter-cathartic EP which doesn't provide much hope

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