The Dad Horse Experience “I Am a Stranger Here Below” (Off Label Records 2018)

Fifty years on this Earth in 2018 and Dad Horse Ottn, the German based eccentric behind this wonderful album continues to plough a furrow that is both deep and musically satisfying as well as wonderfully idiosyncratic and original. This is banjo-based Appalachian nu rock n roll! There’s gospel, bluegrass, Blues and bawdiness as well as Southern soul and yodelling, bondage and tram shootings.

So how does the casual listener approach such a disparate feast? With absolute abandon this reviewer would suggest. Each song is a delight in its own way and the blending of styles as the tracks progress create a wonderful whole. Laughing at the strong German singing accent is acceptable; as is being moved by the heartfelt plea on the cover of ‘You’ll Lose a Good Thing‘ all at the same time. This emotional climax is followed by the roughest of guitar sound in ‘World Self Pity Blues’ and yet they work together. ‘Down the Mississippi‘ is a mad march featuring fuzzed guitar and a waltz time exploration of a man being tied up and subjected to the sadistic whims of his lover. How odd you cry . How odd indeed but like rutting badgers somehow compelling.

And perhaps that is the joy of this album. Genuinely new music steeped in the many of the tropes of the past with a great big side order of wtf!



Bonkers, brilliant, banjo-driven beelzebub music… from Germany.

About Keith Hargreaves 460 Articles
Riding the one eyed horse into dead town the scales fell from his eyes. Music was the only true god at once profane and divine The dust blew through his mind as he considered the offering... And then he scored it out of ten and waited for the world to wake up
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