What can one say about Julie Amici and Dean Mueller? Well Julie’s the sweet one of the duo. Hey, don’t take my word for it, listen to Dean comparing their new album ‘I Loved You So‘ to their debut EP ‘Yellow Roses‘ – “It’s definitely less wholesome, on the first EP, Julie wrote most of the songs, and they had roots in her childhood. It was very meaningful to her, and it was sweet because Julie is sweet. ‘I Loved You So’ is more collaborative—more a combination of both our musical personalities. ” Although Julie Amici has certain thoughts too “Compared to ‘Yellow Roses’, ‘I Loved You So’ is a little grittier, more electrified, and sexier” adding after a pause “… I hope!” Here at Americana UK we really can’t comment – never having had to just rely on hope to define our sexiness.
Anyway, Julie is sweet, Dean is less wholesome – what about their sound? ‘Frame It on the Wall‘ is the essence of a breezy tune coupled to nagging doubt – fundamentally Julie Amici sings about the worry of ever making it big, of ever being the same as musicians she admires “could I ever be like that? Will I ever be that good? Do I have what it takes? Can I work that hard?” It’s sound was framed by working with producer Alan Jones, who has his own career as a jazz-drummer, and pulls out elements and add in a simmering stew of country, folk and blues to make for a rich Americana mix.
‘I Loved You So’ will be released on April 10th.
Photo: Darina Neyret
[…] What can one say about Julie Amici and Dean Mueller? Well Julie’s the sweet one of the duo. Hey, don’t take my word for it, listen to Dean comparing their new album ‘I Loved You So‘ to their debut EP ‘Yellow Roses‘ – “It’s definitely less wholesome, on the first EP, Julie wrote most of the songs, and they had roots in her childhood. It was very meaningful to her, and it was sweet because Julie is sweet. ‘I Loved You So’ is more collaborative—more a combination of both our musical personalities. ” Although Julie Amici has certain thoughts too “Compared to ‘Yellow Roses’, ‘I Loved You So’ is a little grittier, more electrified, and sexier” adding after a pause “… I hope!” READ MORE… […]