The gorgeous voice of Foy Vance, combined with a delicate melody, makes for a charming video to end the week. The impromptu piece was shot last year, on the streets of Memphis, before anyone could have imagined the current state of the world. Vance roamed around, dressed as a character he calls ‘Gordon Zolah’. ‘Thank You for Asking’ was originally intended for inclusion on Americana album ‘To Memphis’, Vance’s second album of 2019.
He explains: “‘Thank You For Asking didn’t work on To Memphis, but I always loved the song and now feels like an appropriate time to put it out. My fans will know that I believe in the ‘joy of nothing’, and I hope that the light-hearted nature of the track and video can bring them a little joy. Gordon Zolah had a lot of fun wandering around the iconic streets of Memphis and I think that shows.” Well, we all need a little joy right now. Have a joyful weekend.