Video Premiere: Amanda B. Perry “Change”

Photo credit: Emily Isakson

The new video from Amanda B. Perry features artistically-shot footage of ‘Change’ recorded at River Rock Studios.  Filmed and edited by Eli Gardiner, it’s an atmospheric visual that allows us to see some great musicianship and complements the passion and sensitivity of the song.  Accompanied by thumping drums, Adam Daniel’s gently flowing piano and haunting, mournful electric guitar from Ken Valdez, singer-songwriter Perry delivers a powerful vocal performance.  Indeed, it is her forceful, soulful voice that really sets Perry apart.  Displaying an impressive range and control, she possesses a distinctive singing voice that is full of emotion and heart.  The song’s instrumentation builds and her voice rises alongside it; more than simply singing, she puts on an absorbing performance packed with drama and tension.

Perry says of the song: “‘Change’, from the newly released album ‘My Time’, is a song of self-realisation; that we can’t let go of a relationship despite repeated mistakes and wrong decisions. While this song tells the story of an unfaithful partner through the eyes of the unfaithful, ‘Change’ captures the complexity of relationships, and is undoubtedly a love song.”

The brand new album, ‘My Time’, has just been released by Minneapolis-based Amanda B. Perry.  Her sophomore record is the follow-up to 2020’s well-received ‘By Special Request’.  Raised just south of the Twin Cities, Perry spent her childhood writing songs, inspired by her family.  With a passion for writing love songs in particular, Perry says: “To write a song, is to live eyes open inside your deepest dreams for as long as you wish…until it is complete.”  ‘Change’ is a powerful ballad that showcases Perry’s dramatic vocal and is a good introduction to her work.  Check it out.

About Andrew Frolish 1612 Articles
From up north but now hiding in rural Suffolk. An insomniac music-lover. Love discovering new music to get lost in - country, singer-songwriters, Americana, rock...whatever. Currently enjoying Nils Lofgren, Ferris & Sylvester, Tommy Prine, Jarrod Dickenson, William Prince, Frank Turner, Our Man in the Field...
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