Video Premiere: Shira “Wait for Me”

One of the many consequences of the global pandemic and lockdowns all over the world is that huge numbers of people have been separated from their loved ones.  Right when we need them most.  Although ‘Wait for Me’ was written just before the pandemic, the song has taken on much greater meaning in recent months as reflected by the new video.  While touring in Barcelona, back when touring was a thing, Shira met and fell in love with her the man who is now her fiancé.

He was due to move to New York this spring but the coronavirus changed all those plans.  Shira, who divides her time between Israel and the USA, ended up in travelling to Israel to be with family, not knowing that the couple would be separated for five months.  Eventually, she was able to fly to Barcelona to be reunited with her love, but only after he had contracted Covid-19 and had to quarantine.  This video documents that journey, the focus of so much hope for so long.

When Shira describes the pain of separation and her hopes, the love shines through: “When imagining what my life would look like if I did live in Barcelona for a while, I imagined walking down Las Ramblas with a cold Clara in my hand, making music with the local scene, and studying Spanish. Then it hit me! Student Visa! Is it even possible? A quick conversation with the Spanish embassy using my broken Spanish confirmed that it is possible. Within one month I signed up to a language school, got my visa and was ready to go!

But alas, we got another emotional slap in the face 10 days before my flight when we learned that my love was positive for COVID. He had mild symptoms. Some of my family was scared, but I wasn’t. I knew now more than ever I needed to be beside him.  I booked my flight through Paris with a hefty layover, but I didn’t care. I was finally going to hold him. Tel Aviv airport was especially sleepy with only a few masked brave warriors like me, but Paris was a whole different story. When I arrived I was shocked to see it completely full of people, still masked, but happy to travel wherever their heart takes them as the travel ban within Europe had been lifted. I almost felt like Paris was back to normal, but then I saw the hazmat suits near the exit ready to swab anyone who might want to enter France. 

I continued to my packed flight to Spain barely noticing anything around me. His sister picked me up from the airport and dropped me off at the new apartment my love had rented for us. He was to quarantine for four more days somewhere else. Honestly, some of the hardest days of my life. I felt like I was outside of my body not knowing where I was or who I was. Completely disconnected. But then, at 12am on the fourth day, I was woken up by a knock on the door and just like that, I could breathe again.  After 174 days we are finally reunited in Barcelona!”

With the video, Shira is promoting the ‘Love is Not Tourism’ campaign, which is encouraging governments to recognise that while closing borders to tourists may be sensible, love is essential and loving partners from different countries can be brought together safely.  Find out more here.

We’re pleased to premiere ‘Wait for Me’, which is taken from the new EP, ‘Birds of a Feather’, released on 18th September.  Check it out here.  And celebrate all those you love in your life.

About Andrew Frolish 1480 Articles
From up north but now hiding in rural Suffolk. An insomniac music-lover. Love discovering new music to get lost in - country, singer-songwriters, Americana, rock...whatever. Currently enjoying Nils Lofgren, Ferris & Sylvester, Tommy Prine, Jarrod Dickenson, William Prince, Frank Turner, Our Man in the Field...
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