Video Premiere: Tim Easton “Everything You’re Afraid Of”

Photo credit: Madison Thorn

Check out the latest single from Tim Easton.  ‘Everything You’re Afraid Of’ is a warm-hearted song that showcases Easton’s brilliantly-characterful voice.  His words are full of humanity as he sings about connections, relationships and concern for a friend: “You’re gonna be alright // You’re gonna be alright now…Call a friend, ask them how they’re getting on, and mean it.”  In the middle of the song, between verses, there’s a a lovely interlude on the acoustic and, throughout, there’s a dreamily-hypnotic feel to the melodic guitar-work and shuffling rhythms.

The good-humoured video for ‘Everything You’re Afraid Of’, put together by Ellington Easton, is reminiscent of Charlie Chaplin and the long-forgotten days of silent cinema.  Easton says of the song and video: “‘Everything You’re Afraid Of’ is basically a prayer. If that scares you then you probably need this song more!  The subject matter is a bit serious, because I am really worried about a friend. When it came time to make the video, I knew I wanted to go in a more light hearted and comical direction, hence the golfing video – a sport that does terrify me a bit. It’s a nod to Buster Keaton.  My daughter filmed it, so it’s basically the best piece of art I’ve ever been involved with! This song is as much of an open letter to my fellow citizens in our troubled country as it is a sincere message to a friend that is dying unnecessarily. It is a message to anybody that is hurting.”

The single is from Easton’s forthcoming album ‘Find Your Way’, which is due out on 17th May 2024.  The record is focused on Canada, his mother’s birthplace and a home-away-from-home.  It was recorded in Victoria with an all-Canadian group of musicians.  Easton describes the songs as, “…feature films inside three-minute chunks of music,” and the stories are of human relationships from the inside and out.  These are songs we can all associate with.

Over the years, Easton has worked with the likes of Lucinda Williams, members of Wilco and Mike Campbell.  He has followed his musical muse around the world, touring and busking in Spain, Paris, Prague, Alaska and across America.  Back in the 1990s, Easton was advised by the great John Prine to write his own songs and, just like that inspirational figure, Easton writes songs that serve to tell stories, rich narratives full of life.  His tales of universal human experiences are timeless, just like his blend of folk, Americana and rock’n’roll.  Great songcraft and compelling storytelling.  Enjoy.

About Andrew Frolish 1623 Articles
From up north but now hiding in rural Suffolk. An insomniac music-lover. Love discovering new music to get lost in - country, singer-songwriters, Americana, rock...whatever. Currently enjoying Nils Lofgren, Ferris & Sylvester, Tommy Prine, Jarrod Dickenson, William Prince, Frank Turner, Our Man in the Field...
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Mike Robbie

great stuff – loved it !!!