Produced by Bernard Butler and with a guest vocal from Elizabeth Fraser (no, really!), this is the spellbinding new single from folkmeister Sam Lee, out now, and taken from his forthcoming album ‘Old Wow‘, out on January 20th with a tour to follow (see dates below the video).
29 January 2020 Glasgow Glasgow Royal Concert Hall (Strathclyde Suite)
31 January 2020 Newcastle Cluny
01 February 2020 Manchester Night and Day
03 February 2020 Nottingham Rescue Rooms
04 February 2020 Leeds City Varieties
05 February 2020 Birmingham Glee
06 February 2020 Exeter Phoenix
07 February 2020 Bodmin St Petroc’s Church
08 February 2020 Lyme Regis Marine Theatre
10 February 2020 Cambridge Junction 2
13 February 2020 Brighton St George’s
15 February 2020 Canterbury Gulbenkian Theatre
16 February 2020 Norwich Open
17 February 2020 London EartH
19 February 2020 Bristol St George’s
21 February 2020 Cardiff The Gate