Something for the weekend: Sam Outlaw “Do You Really Love Me?”

Well that’s it from us for another week dear reader. One of my favourite songs ever recorded is South Dakota-born Sam Outlaw’s ‘Who Do You Think You Are?‘ It’s a gorgeous swooning number with mariachi horns, and somewhere on my phone I have a video of my late mum dancing with my dad to it which I can’t bear to watch. Anyhow, we leave you with this week with the track song ‘Do You Really Love Me?’ – a new song from Outlaw that marries bluegrass instrumentation with themes of modern existential dread, and features pedal steel by JayDee Maness – famous for his work on The Byrds’ 1968 country-rock classic ‘Sweetheart of The Rodeo.’ It’s a welcome return to country following Outlaw’s last album which had a more 80s vibe (but did contain some absolute diamonds such as ‘Polyamorous’). Will stop namechecking Sam Outlaw tracks now! Have a good one.

About Mark Whitfield 2100 Articles
Editor of Americana UK website, the UK's leading home for americana news and reviews since 2001 (when life was simpler, at least for the first 253 days)
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Andy Davidson

He’s back.This is a joy after the hard to love mechanics.