Track Premiere: Rick Hornyak “Wait For The Night”

Photo: Carrin Lewis

‘Wait for the Night’ is a classic rock song about living for the time when one is no longer at work, the joy of escape to do something that you actually want to do.  Austin based singer-songwriter Rick Hornyak knows of what he sings – he was playing guitar in his teens and writing songs, playing open mic’s but at the same time holding down an exhausting full-time job as a steelworker at a local factory owned by Trent Reznor’s grandfather.  As he explains “I had a house, a couple cars and bought new music stuff with every check, but I lost my 20s there. I worked 21 days straight in the summer, with mandatory overtime, building rooftop heaters. I was a wilted flower who needed some water sprinkled on me. I knew I had to get out of there.

Hornyak quit the factory on his 27th birthday, after some family friends had stopped through town and advised him to move somewhere with a music scene – which is how he landed in his new hometown of Austin, Texas. There he played with several bands before going solo—recording his first self-titled EP, and then his full-length album ‘Marigold.‘  His latest release is ‘Dandelion‘, which was named to represent regrowth and rebirth, but it also brings to the forefront his own resilience, persistence, tenacity and beauty.

Rick Hornyak told Americana UK about the song: “‘Wait for the Night’ was inspired by the beauty of nature, and my obsession with the vastness of space. Its lyrics are also about not giving up when things go dark.  I’m playing all the lead guitar on this one, which was a branch out for me. I usually stick to playing rhythm. The echo seemed over the top when I first recorded it, but ended up being perfect for the song. We even used a similar effect on the vocals in mixing. This one was a favourite not only with the musicians that recorded on the track, but close friends and family that heard early rough mixes.

About Jonathan Aird 2845 Articles
Sure, I could climb high in a tree, or go to Skye on my holiday. I could be happy. All I really want is the excitement of first hearing The Byrds, the amazement of decades of Dylan's music, or the thrill of seeing a band like The Long Ryders live. That's not much to ask, is it?
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