Track Premiere: Ed Snodderly with Van Plating “Better Just Ride The Mule”

Following hard on the heels of Ed Snodderly‘s latest album ‘Chimney Smoke‘ comes this stripped down version of the album’s lead off song (which by coincidence we also premiered back in June).  On this new version Ed Snodderly is joined by Van Plating (who has also got a new album out), and there’s a three way explanation of how that came about.  Firstly Ed himself tells that “My music publisher had been telling me that he had a crazy idea about ‘Better Just Ride The Mule’ and he was producing a version of it that he’d let me hear when he was finished. And that he just needed my vocal and guitar on it… When he sent me the finished track I just listened and said, “Am I allowed to say I like it even better than the original version?”  Van Plating was equally enthusiastic adding that “I got a call about contributing fiddle and vocals to an Ed Snodderly song and of course I said, “YES PLEASE”! At first, I didn’t realize it was actually going to be with Ed – and any chance to work with a living legend in bluegrass music like Ed is a wonderful moment… I loved singing with Ed and I was thrilled he complimented my fiddle playing… especially since he’s played with all the greats!

Finally producer Brian Brinkerhoff adds that “I’ve always wanted to produce an Ed Snodderly song… When I heard Van’s new album, I knew she was the perfect foil for Ed – taking his Mountain Sound and putting it with her Deep South vibe… I asked East Nashville studio wizard Dave Coleman to help me wrangle some people and parts – and to push record and twist some knobs – and he nailed it.”

About Jonathan Aird 2845 Articles
Sure, I could climb high in a tree, or go to Skye on my holiday. I could be happy. All I really want is the excitement of first hearing The Byrds, the amazement of decades of Dylan's music, or the thrill of seeing a band like The Long Ryders live. That's not much to ask, is it?
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