Are you a writer, publisher or PR with a book on the music we feature at AUK coming out this year?
We feature biographies of musicians, or other key figures in the music world – producers, managers, studio owners. We have covered books about places associated with the music, and almost anything else that our readers might be interested in. Self-published or limited-run books are something we would like to cover.
We do review fiction too but they need to have a very clear connection to music of the sort we cover here.
Our reviewers prefer hard-copy books to eBooks or PDFs, but we will look at those if they are the only option available. (One thing we can’t work with is books which are only available on Google Books.)
So, if you have a book, or books that we might like to feature please get in touch with me via the details on the contacts page.
It’s already looking like 2023 will be a great year for new books on Americana and related subjects, having seen some of the titles that will be published in the next few months, and the year gets underway with something genuinely special. ‘Western Edge’ is the first title to be…
Fascinating insights into the early lives of major Americana artists. Earlier this year we reviewed the first books published as part of a new partnership between the Country Music Hall of Fame and the University of Illinois Press. Now we have news on four reissued books, released at the end…
Elijah Wald is a folk-blues musician, author and academic whose written works have focused mainly on folk and blues music. In addition to his own books, Wald co-authored Dave von Ronk’s memoir ‘The Mayor Of MacDougal Street’. ‘Jelly Roll Blues’ is sub-titled ‘Censored Songs & Hidden Histories’ and Wald’s work…