We’re pleased to share the video premiere of ‘Life Savings’ from Phil and the Osophers, featuring intricate guitar-work, melodic vocals and gorgeous Colorado landscapes. The song is about economic hardship and isolation with the main character burying his savings in the snowy mountains. Very timely.
Radiotes says: “How was I to know that when we shot this video about bankruptcy, unemployment and isolation, that a month later the economy would be in ruins and everyone would be in self-quarantine?” A keen philosopher, Phil Radiotes is known for deeply thoughtful, personal lyrics and his songs cover a wide range of subjects. Indeed, his 8th album, 2019’s ‘From the Rise of Fall’, covered such themes as suicide bombings, immigration, technological isolation and working-class issues. “I’ve felt how strongly a song can affect a person and I try to dig as deeply as I can to create songs that have that sort of impact,” Radiotes explains. Check it out.