Video Premiere: Phil and the Osophers “Life Savings”

We’re pleased to share the video premiere of ‘Life Savings’ from Phil and the Osophers, featuring intricate guitar-work, melodic vocals and gorgeous Colorado landscapes.  The song is about economic hardship and isolation with the main character burying his savings in the snowy mountains.  Very timely. 

Radiotes says: “How was I to know that when we shot this video about bankruptcy, unemployment and isolation, that a month later the economy would be in ruins and everyone would be in self-quarantine?”  A keen philosopher, Phil Radiotes is known for deeply thoughtful, personal lyrics and his songs cover a wide range of subjects.  Indeed, his 8th album, 2019’s ‘From the Rise of Fall’, covered such themes as suicide bombings, immigration, technological isolation and working-class issues. “I’ve felt how strongly a song can affect a person and I try to dig as deeply as I can to create songs that have that sort of impact,” Radiotes explains.  Check it out.

About Andrew Frolish 1612 Articles
From up north but now hiding in rural Suffolk. An insomniac music-lover. Love discovering new music to get lost in - country, singer-songwriters, Americana, rock...whatever. Currently enjoying Nils Lofgren, Ferris & Sylvester, Tommy Prine, Jarrod Dickenson, William Prince, Frank Turner, Our Man in the Field...
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