AUK’s Chain Gang: Jesse Dayton “It’s Like a Possum Ran Over My Grave”

header for chain-gang postI didn’t know that ‘Wristband’ song before and, if I’m honest, I never much cared for Paul Simon, so I’m juggling this catch from Tim already. Having listened to the song I wasn’t immediately sure where to go. I found it a touch smug and self-satisfied; though that might be what passes for humour in Queens. If so maybe Mr Simon should remember what my gran used to say before reciting her famous anthropologist story once more – “if you’re gonna do jokes, make ‘em funny”. Damn, nearly dropped the catch clean there; my hand-eye coordination was never good enough for fielding in the deep.

So where to go from there. There wasn’t much of a clue in the mildly diverting sonics of the song and there was no inclination to start thinking about the story behind its creation or production. Lyrically though there was a glimmer.  ‘Wristband’ offers some comment on the undertaking of giving live gig and the tune I’ve dredged up also reflects on the live experience, albeit on being on the receiving end. Simon’s experiences didn’t suit him but it seems to me that Jesse Dayton shows us, with humility, sincerity, just enough sentimentality and actual humour, how the gig thing can be an unequalled joy, eventually.

Plus the song ‘Like a Possum Ran Over My Grave’ reminds of the greatness that was George Jones. The majesty of both gig going and ‘No Show Jones’ – two things that it doesn’t hurt to be reminded of right now (and again).

About Guy Lincoln 88 Articles
Americana, New Country, Alt-country, No Depression, Twangcore, Cow-punk, Neo-traditionalists, Countrypolitan... whatever.
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