Clubhouse Records turns 10 – listen to their Spotify playlist

One of the UK’s best Americana labels Clubhouse Records, a constant friend here at AUK, turns 10 years old this year and the team there have each picked 10 of our favourite tracks from the Clubhouse catalogue over the last decade and put together a playlist to share far and wide.  Head of label Tristan Tipping told us: “Hatched over a bottle of red wine at a late-night jam over a decade ago, Clubhouse Records was a seed of an idea for a collective, supportive, musical project that’s grown and endured far longer than we could have imagined. It’s been tremendous fun and we’ve made life long friends along the way!

We had been working on a whole raft of ideas for 10th Birthday celebrations including a big get together at our Ramblin’ Roots Revue, which has been sadly but unavoidably postponed. In the meantime, while hatching alternative plans with my brother Danny, our father Gary and long term collaborator Del Day we got to talking about all the fantastic music we’d released over the years and trying to pick our personal favourite tunes.

Well that proved nearly impossible so we eventually decided on ten each and put this playlist together, introducing people to Clubhouse and hopefully providing a little something to take their minds of troubled times for an hour or so – we hope you like it!”

About Mark Whitfield 2057 Articles
Editor of Americana UK website, the UK's leading home for americana news and reviews since 2001 (when life was simpler, at least for the first 253 days)
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