Danny & the Champions of the World “Swift Street” – Listen

“Swift Street” is the first song to be shared from the forthcoming album (the sixth! how did that happen?) from Danny & the Champs, “Brilliant Light”, which will be out on June 23rd. Danny George Wilson co-wrote the song with Polly Paulusma and Carra Bacon: “Swift Street is the house where my mother grew up, the song is about 3 different photographs – one of me and my brothers playing in a billy cart in the driveway, the second is of my grandfather aged 14 standing with his mother outside his childhood home in Aberdeen – he left for Australia after the Second World War. The third is of my folks in the garden of the house in Swift Street before they left to live in London. Each photograph takes a verse. I was nervous about my mum hearing it, but she loves it.”


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Editor of Americana UK website, the UK's leading home for americana news and reviews since 2001 (when life was simpler, at least for the first 253 days)
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