Early James “Medium Raw”

Easy Eye Sound, 2025

An album that delivers soul, skiffle, country and more in a flawless bundle.

Produced by Black Keys Dan Auerbach ‘Medium Raw’ is James’ third album and a very fine piece of work it is. It is an especially apt title; each song has an edge. Even the more mellow, slower ones have a distinct whiff of raw menace to them. Recorded live with very few overdubs in an old house with the players in different rooms using older sound equipment in a similar way to Springsteen recorded in ‘The Seeger Sessions’ the sound they have conjured has a primitive, authentic feel to it.  “I wanted to try and find that power when I first saw him when it was just him and his guitar …. I felt we might get better results in a house” Auerbach tells us. The house they found was over 100 years old slightly decayed with peeling wallpaper and aging furniture belonging to local photographer Buddy Jackson. It was the ideal location.

James’ voice has a strong rasping crooner feel to it and is reminiscent of a number of artists without being overly similar. Think of Pokey Lafarge meets Tom Waits, and you will not be too far off. As for the style, it hops very easily from Skiffle on ‘Steely Knives’ to Blues on ‘I Got This Problem’ and even The Doors on ‘Dig to China’ which is a remake of one of his earlier songs. This has that delightful uncomplicated spacious feel that was so evident in ‘The End’. At almost seven minutes long it is easy to make the comparison.

Perhaps the standout track is ‘Rag Doll’ which has a distinct minimal feel at the beginning rising to a real toe-tapping swinging finale. It is an utterly joyful listen.

The whole album is an absolute pleasure to experience.  James and his fellow musicians really have nailed it. Huge credit must however go to Auerbach for finding this primal accessible sound that perfectly captured the live quality of the session. It’s a highly recommended record.


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