Jeremy Hunt: Jason Isbell is “a bit anodyne”

Robert Peston has written a piece for today’s New Statesman in which both he and Jeremy Hunt manage to insult Jason Isbell in the space of one paragraph:

The more worrying thing of course would have been if Jeremy Hunt had said he liked Jason Isbell. Imagine the shame.

About Mark Whitfield 2040 Articles
Editor of Americana UK website, the UK's leading home for americana news and reviews since 2001 (when life was simpler, at least for the first 253 days)
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Jonathan Aird

Ah, Mark, at last you have mastered the key journalistic ability of creating click-bait. 🙂

Jeremy Hunt ? Sounds more like Jeremy WantstodestroytheNHSbybackdoorprivatisation

[…] without mentioning former DBT-ee and Grammy award winning Jason Isbell who famously had a one way run in with our beloved Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, the man cockney rhyming slang was made for.  As one of our writers put it reviewing a Manchester […]

[…] tell Jeremy Hunt for God’s sake Jason.  News from RS Country today around a spat that’s broken out […]