Jingle Bells Friday – is it too late to make the pudding?

Oh, it’s starting to get close now – all the signs are there.  The lights.  The vans delivering all the presents.  Lockdown 2 is over.  Christmas is within touching distance.  And it’s Friday which can only mean that it’s time for another edition of our special seasonal feature ‘Jingle Bells Friday‘.  Yes, ‘Jingle Bells Friday‘ where we gather together all the best festive season alt-country and Americana (whatever that is!) songs that have come our way.  It’s our little contribution to ensure that you have a “cool yule“.  You’re welcome.

Sweden’s Vargen has produced a seasonal duet ‘From Stockholm to L.A.‘ which features Anna Vild.   Vargen (aka Reine Johansson) was inspired by Tennyson’s ‘Ring out, Wild Bells’ which inspired the line “I call out to the wild skies”, but now sees the song as having a pandemic dimension as well.

Calgary roots collective The Hello Darlins  were also inspired by Covid to look forward to a more joyful future.  The result was a four song EP ‘Heart in the Snow‘ which includes this song of yearning.

Jessica Lynn brings us back down to earth with the seasonal tearjerker ‘It’s just not Christmas’ – no presents, no turkey and “another Christmas without you.”  Still trimming the tree though.

There is, of course, plenty of love going around at Christmas, as Chandler Holt (Chatham County Line) & Lauren Stovall‘s (The Railsplitters) demonstrate on this nostalgic number ‘Winter’s Night Waltz.

And finally for this week, here’s a traditional number sounding just a little different as for King & Country  re-imagine ‘Little Drummer Boy‘. Spoiler alert – there will be drums.  And a battle re-enactment.  We confidently assert that for King & Country are actually fighting for Republic & Country.  Everyone seems to have lost their cap badges though…



About Jonathan Aird 2943 Articles
Sure, I could climb high in a tree, or go to Skye on my holiday. I could be happy. All I really want is the excitement of first hearing The Byrds, the amazement of decades of Dylan's music, or the thrill of seeing a band like The Long Ryders live. That's not much to ask, is it?
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