Kate Redgate “Light Under The Door” – my god, here you come again

For anyone who has been thinking “these tracks, they’ve been getting a bit introspective and delicately beautiful lately” then we hear you and we’re here to address the situation.  We’re starting the week with a real belter of a rocking Americana tune.  We wouldn’t be the first to suggest that there’s a bit of Lucinda Williams to be found in the music of Kate Redgate, who’s publicity suggests that she is a heart-worn sleeve storyteller, alt-country, rebel rouser, musician, artist, and creative force.  Listen to ‘Light Under The Door‘ and you’ll surely find yourself saying “yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and…yes to the whole list.

Kate Redgate’s music is a mixture of rock and roll, folk, roots-rock and country and it comes, she says, from being a high school dropout who used her time well absorbing her early influences: from tunes heard in the barroom and from the judiciously selected albums that she saved money for and hitched rides to buy at the local record store, and the tunes she waited to hear on the radio, cassette recorder button ready, so she could rewind and playback songs over and over learning chords and writing down lyrics. In short Kate Redgate draws on a rich mix of The Stones and the Grateful Dead, X and the Replacements, Pretenders and Joni Mitchell, Steve Earle and Emmylou Harris – and that’s a good mix.

Light Under The Door‘ addresses the thorny issue of the Ex who just won’t go away – whether in reality or in the imagination.  There’s a visceral response to such recollections on this song, given some real punch by dint of being recorded live in the studio – vocals and all.   ‘Light Under The Door‘ is the title track of  Kate Redgate’s new album which was released on June 2nd on Rum Bar Records.

About Jonathan Aird 2950 Articles
Sure, I could climb high in a tree, or go to Skye on my holiday. I could be happy. All I really want is the excitement of first hearing The Byrds, the amazement of decades of Dylan's music, or the thrill of seeing a band like The Long Ryders live. That's not much to ask, is it?
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