Native Harrow “I Wanna Thank You” – no, no, thank you!

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And we know what you’re thinking, dear loyal reader, “he’s run out of big names, what a shame”.  Well, without getting all More People Should Know About… with you all, but for whatever value this opinion has, the opinion as far as this pair of ears is concerned is that Native Harrow are a Big Name.  Why else would their albums have garnered so many listens, and the announcement of tours produce a rush of excitement?  So, that’s that settled.

Native Harrow will be releasing a new album ‘Divided Kind’ on September 13th via Different Time Records.  ‘I Wanna Thank You‘ is a no-holds-barred out and out declaration of love, rather beautiful in its forthrightness.  Why, after all, hold back?

Speaking of the track, guitarist Stephen Harms says, “We lived in Hassocks for two years, in a bright and open flat that defied England’s notorious dismal grey skies with nearly constant sunshine and light. We wanted the track to reflect the intimacy, immediacy, and warmth of Devin’s lyric, setting up a U47 in the centre of our living room for Devin’s vocal. For the guitar track, I used my Gretsch and the part reminds me of a favourite guitarist of mine, Cornell Dupree. Alex Hall added the drums in his Chicago studio and mixed the record just a few weeks later. I’m particularly proud of how the time seems to dissipate after the first chorus, the guitar snakes off into infinity and it seems like time stops, before it starts again”.

Frontwoman Devin Tuel continues, “Some people might bristle at the line “I owe you for showing me the light” because owing someone is a topic of debate amongst the singularly independent being, but if you’ve ever been in a dark place and someone you love stayed with you and clothed and fed you, listened to you, held you and gave you light, you do owe them. You owe them the respect and dignity of a thank you

About Jonathan Aird 2968 Articles
Sure, I could climb high in a tree, or go to Skye on my holiday. I could be happy. All I really want is the excitement of first hearing The Byrds, the amazement of decades of Dylan's music, or the thrill of seeing a band like The Long Ryders live. That's not much to ask, is it?
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