Minneapolis based Pat Keen has his third solo album – ‘Cells Remain‘ – out on August 21st on Birdwatcher Records. This is the almost title song. It’s the gentlest folk-framed cut, with hypnotic waves of sound -certainly a very different path to Keen’s work with bands such as Guerilla Toss, and Wei Zhongle which rejoice in waving the banner for weirdo-rock.
Gentle sounding ‘Cell Song‘ may be – but it has a serious intent as Keen explained: “I wrote ‘Cell Song’ visiting my parents cabin/now home in northern WI. I was sitting on the dock on a summer night, contemplating yet again what my relationship is with my family. That same place is where I’ve written countless songs. I also recorded most of my previous record, Albatross, up there. The lyrics embody my normal “subconscious sound-poetry turned into meaning later” formula. That being said, they ended up being about digging deeper to find the good in people even if you can’t always see it and not losing your own plot while doing so. Hence the “cells remain” part..”