This week we discovered that the UK’s MHRA – the medicine regulator – has passed the Pfizer vaccine as safe and that it can be rolled out to the public. Now we here at Americana-UK are not anti-vaxers. No one wants smallpox or polio right? We do have some questions which we are mulling over however. Normally vaccines take years to research, develop and deploy. This one has taken months. How so quick? Can we be sure that it is side effect free? Some might recall the vaccine booster given to troops which later led to ‘gulf war syndrome’. Also we would like to know why pharmaceutical companies have been given a sort of indemnity from future prosecution should it transpire that there were unforeseen long term side effects caused by any vaccine that they manufactured. Beyond that it might be worth you taking time to research Pfizer and find out about their ‘chequered’ (to say the least) history. Whilst we can’t verify what is said in this article ourselves it does make interesting reading.
Elsewhere we were, again, somewhat irritated that the DUP voted against the government bill on the tiering system in the Commons the other evening. This is the tiering system in England and NOT Northern Ireland. Why are they voting?
So it’s obvious that in order to get out of the problem that the Covid-19 virus has created we need a vaccine. There have to be checks and balances though. Can we be sure that those checks and balances are in place? Or is it that we peasants have to be made to get back to work and spending what money we have in order to keep the ‘economy’ (or those who profit most from it) going?