On their first new single since their debut album last year, Santa Barbara based Plastic Harpoons find themselves slipping into a slightly different gear. The mood of ‘Meet me In The Middle’ is a downbeat falling in love song – it’s not lacking in passion, but there’s an acknowledgement that nothing is going to happen unless two parties modify their individual outlooks a little in order to find themselvesd a little closer to the other. Or as songwriter Taylor Casey puts it: “It don’t have to take the air out of your lungs / Just meet me in the middle / We don’t have to make it hard or fall in love / Maybe just a little“.
Casey also explains where the mood of the song came from: “There’s all these formulaic love songs, but I wanted to write an alternative love song, where the person is just asking the other to meet them in the middle and see what happens. This song is kind of a departure from our first album’s sound, we went with kind of a slacker rock vibe on this one, feeling that it matched the sentiment of the song.”