Nashville native, Riley Moore’s world travels have inspired his new album ‘Vagrant,’ which reflects on his experiences and his musical influences. The album pays tribute to Bob Dylan, who is a clear inspiration for the singer-songwriter, on a number of tracks both musically and in his vocals. Straight from the first track, you can see his Dylan-esqe style, clearly drawing from 1960s American folk music. The album comes from a lifetime of experiences with the likes of ‘Pancakes and M&M’s’ – a take on the theme of childhood – something that can be guessed just from the song title. This track truly captures the light-heartedness and fun of an American childhood with lyrics like “daddy’s lab coat was a white cape, his hugs could make the world shake” – the tune fully embracing the freedom of being a child.
The tongue in cheek song ‘Sitting on a Boat’ reflects on a carefree life and sticking it to the man while having a drink on the open water. For Moore, though, ‘Sitting on a Boat’ is very literal as the singer lives on a boat in a Tennessee lake. The name of the boat, ‘Ship Faced,’ is mentioned throughout the song but while listening you could easily assume he was saying something else, which just adds to the intended double entendre throughout.
This eight-track record is quite easy listening; most songs are acoustic but Moore’s slightly cheeky attitude makes it a very enjoyable album. His songwriting takes the listener on a personal journey – as he revisits his past, he reminisces on his youth and travels.
A tongue-in cheek, easy to listen to folk album