Sam Moss makes the ocean waves feel pastoral in his latest single ‘Swimming’. This is the title track from a new full-length LP due on 7th February. Elegant acoustic guitar picking supports Moss’s voice.
Moss reflects on recording the album, “Like every song on this album, ‘Swimming”’ came to life with the help of the band around me. The core group for this recording session was assembled specifically for it, and was composed of people I had never played music with before. That group—Isa Burke, Sinclair Palmer, and Joe Westerlund—struck a beautiful balance between patience and adventure as we tracked these songs live with minimal rehearsal. There was a deep feeling of trust in the room that ran between all of us and Alli Rogers and Missy Thangs (the engineering team) who sat at the center of it all. I think it comes through. I really love the bells that Joe overdubbed onto this one. Molly Sarlé came by later to add her unmistakable voice (one of my favorites in the world) to the top of this and several other songs.”