Well that’s it for us from another week dear reader, and we leave you with a new version of a song we featured here on AUK a few months back from the wonderful Angel Olsen. It’s an amazing song as it is but the added sprinkling of Sturgill is the icing on the cake. “It’s crazy to write a song and then watch someone else you really admire sing your words, kinda turns the whole thing on its head”, said Olsen in a statement. “I loved the song already but hearing Sturgill’s take on ‘Big Time’ made me smile ear to ear, he made it come alive on a different level.” Have a good one.
Anyone who had the good fortune to catch this fella during his recent European tour will hopefully have been as impressed as I was with his performance at the Barrowland Ballroom. The last time Sturgill Simpson played Glasgow he was well pissed after a Michael Hann review of "Sound &…
Many still think Sturgill Simpson’s performance of 'Call to Arms' on Saturday Night Live the most badass ever. Simpson performed harder than his Telecaster. The guitar, complete with rebel insignia was disrespectfully thrown to the ground at the end with a defiant scowl, classic rogue one. It is a brilliantly…
Sturgill Simpson has taken americana to new places - some of them not always comfortable ones. His 2019 synthesised psychedelic blues-rock album ‘Sound and Fury’ certainly divided opinion. However, ‘Metamodern Sounds in Country Music’ was a much more widely appreciated and lauded record, although no less radical in many respects. Following his debut…
Editor of Americana UK website, the UK's leading home for americana news and reviews since 2001 (when life was simpler, at least for the first 253 days)