Something for the weekend: Midland “The Last Resort” – and our new podcast!

Well that’s it from us for another week dear reader. If you have some spare time, why not listen to the pilot episode of our new Americana UK podcast presented by AUK’s Emily Dongray which launches next week but which you can have a sneak preview of by clicking here. It’ll be your regular audio safe-to-digest-while-walking/driving/cycling/spacehopperring version of the website with news, tunes and interviews. Watch out for further details next week.

In the meantime, there is nothing more infuriating in life (Blippi aside) than labels who release EPs which we review which you then find out a few months later were just a smattering of tracks from a full album meaning we are essentially reviewing the same songs twice. Urgh. Anyway, we can forgive Midland on this one occasion because, well, they’re Midland, they’re hitting the UK for dates later this month (finally!) and ‘The Last Resort’ the album (with the added “Greetings From…”) is out today and every bit as lovely as ‘The Last Resort’ the EP, and maybe a bit lovelier because it contains ‘The Last Resort’ the song which is a nice way to head into a weekend of much missed sunshine. Have a good one.

About Mark Whitfield 2057 Articles
Editor of Americana UK website, the UK's leading home for americana news and reviews since 2001 (when life was simpler, at least for the first 253 days)
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