Three years ago when I was in Nashville I ended up seeing a band called The David Mayfield Parade at a small venue called The Railsplitters which was one of those shows that you don’t necessarily anticipate changing your world but end up unexpectedly being one of the most memorable of your life. I’ve still to date probably not seen quite that many musicians in such a small space, particularly since Mayfield’s stage presence could have filled 90% of it as it was. Mayfield himself grew up playing bass and touring with his family’s bluegrass band and the years of developing his talent are clear. I saw him almost blind (not literally) but had always particularly loved the opening track ‘Blue Skies Again’ to his 2010 self-titled debut which we reviewed here at AUK. The whole album, and its follow up too, is superb and like 95% of the music I love most makes me weep uncontrollably.