Sounds from beyond the Shed – Week 102

Another dose of sonic joy

A dawning realisation.

Three weeks of school left and a school trip to Paris involving 81 kids and a 01.00 start time for the coach!  That horror aside, the slow inevitable march to my final lessons and events that I have done consistently for the last 16 years is beginning to feel very real. I catch myself in unguarded moments wondering if I have jumped too soon or too late. There are the beginnings of real melancholy as I consider a life slightly less busy and as I examine that sentiment I realise that I would very much like a life not this busy or indeed pressured. This is however a petty problem – I’m not starving, dying or living in fear of bombardment.

Each interaction with pupils or colleagues is now more considered and precious as life without these multitudinous minor conversations hoves into view. That’s not say that post-July life is not getting busy already with the radio show and dipping my toe into the waters of promotion with the 1st Sounds from beyond the Shed in association with AUK gig lined up already. Details to follow.

Last week a bunch of ex-pupils came back to school for a drink there were over 60 in total and a cracking night was had by all. Thank you folks you made an old man very happy. Some even asked for the Mixcloud link! Humouring me? Either way, they got it.

And here is Volume 3. If you subscribe to Mixcloud you shouldn’t have a problem pausing or scrolling the play button particularly if you ‘follow’ me by using the icon at the bottom left of the play screen once you’ve opened it. It is the icon of someone sitting on the toilet reading a book. I kid you not.

This week features some banter about the fruitfulness of Solomon Burke and various other ramblings as well as some 10,000 Maniacs, Yola, Norah Jones, Violent Femmes, Tragically Hip etc etc. As ever take what you want or need.

About Keith Hargreaves 502 Articles
Riding the one eyed horse into dead town the scales fell from his eyes. Music was the only true god at once profane and divine The dust blew through his mind as he considered the offering... And then he scored it out of ten and waited for the world to wake up
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Listening to Ep 3 and really enjoying it Keith. One small quibble. The brilliant Don McGlashan was in the Mutton Birds not the Meat Puppets but I think we can see the reason for the confusion! How about playing Ray from Rain, Steam and Speed. Thanks also for playing tracks from the fantastic 7 Worlds Collide album. I thought I was the only one who had that gem.