Sounds from the Shed – Week 5

Snowbound and surviving remote teaching

Half term bends its withered finger and beckons…

With a week to go to half term spirits are high in the shed and hysteria is curling round the edges of the lessons. The snow and constant chill have become bearable as the golden sunshine of a week, without bellowing into the abyss created by students who log on to a lesson and then go back to bed or the horror of explaining the same thing for the fifteenth time to the fifteenth member of the same class because I was ‘laggy’ the previous fourteen times, slowly comes into focus.

Plans for the week of half-term

1.       Stuffing old clothes in the cracks in the shed to try and prevent entry to the gales that currently howl round my knees.

2.       Planning some lessons that involve students ‘learning offline’ whilst I run away to the Turks and Caicos Islands

3.       Incorporating a microbrewery into not only the shed but also the teaching

4.       Sleeping…..

Songs this week are in the usual format and may reflect a mellowing of mood compared to previous perhaps informed by the above. As ever take from them what you need. First up the majestic Richmond Fontaine with one of the choice cuts from their last album – a plea for kindness and forgiveness. The second, a tragic dustbowl narrative to lose yourself in – rippling, angular and supple. The third brimming with righteous indignation the DBTs at their best – pissed off!





About Keith Hargreaves 460 Articles
Riding the one eyed horse into dead town the scales fell from his eyes. Music was the only true god at once profane and divine The dust blew through his mind as he considered the offering... And then he scored it out of ten and waited for the world to wake up
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