Pump Up The Volume – A Year of Tracks
Well, another year steams away down the Americana UK Tracks, and it’s therefore time to do the annual compare and contrast in which we find just which songs you enjoyed each month dear readers, and compare […]
Well, another year steams away down the Americana UK Tracks, and it’s therefore time to do the annual compare and contrast in which we find just which songs you enjoyed each month dear readers, and compare […]
Bill Scorzari released his 4th studio album, the co-produced with Neilson Hubbard ‘The Crosswinds of Kansas‘, last year. It took its title from a line in the song ‘I-70 East‘: “Then, came the crosswinds of Kansas […]
Over the last few days we’ve been counting down our top 10 albums of 2022 which concluded yesterday with Bonny Light Horseman and The Delines holding our top two places. In the process of coming up […]
Consistently interesting, sometimes dark but always uplifting. Bill Scorzari is a New York singer, songwriter and mutli instrumentalist, and ‘The Cross Winds Of Kansas’ is his fourth independently released album. Scorzari became a full-time musician via […]
Once or twice a year, an album rolls onto the scene that is quickly and widely hailed as a game-changer. But if ‘Now I’m Free’ scores a few remarkable goals, it doesn’t, at least for this […]
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