Nova Scotia has a population density of about 17 per square kilometre, and pushing 30% of the households in the province are single occupancy. It’s a pretty lonely place alright, anchored to the Atlantic coast and beaten by tides and winds that blow out of the North Atlantic. And it is here that The Critchleys call home. It’s also the inspiration for this new song which encapsulates feelings of loneliness -naturally – but also subtly celebrates the rugged life and the apparent bleakness: “From broken shores / Little towns cling to the coast /
Through North Atlantic gales / While her scattered children dream / Of Nova Scotia.”
The Critchleys are brothers Owen and Spencer Critchley, and to be honest this has the feel of something of a new musical direction. Born in Canada but raised in Bermuda, Owen now lives in Nova Scotia whilst Spencer is a Californian. They had a band – Aceboy – which worked in Bermuda ad later Toronto and then later Spencer moved to California in part to work with Thomas Dolby and composing for film whilst Owen went back to Bermuda and wrote and produced songs for Island artists the Kennel Boys, and also produced music for film and TV. Yet, here they are, with a haunting folk tinged ballad. A good one too.