The Owls is a music project of Australian singer-songwriter Sean McMahon alongside guitarist Michael Hubbard, Bassist Tim McCormack and drummer Josh Duiker. They have a new single out, which marks their first release since they put out two records with Downhills Home in 2007 and 2009. The Owls don’t have a great presence internet right now so that’s about all I have for you – other than to note that The Owls is a really popular name in Australia, with at least two other bands using the same moniker.
Sean takes a deal of inspiration from classic 1970’s folk, rock and cosmic country – and in The Owls the aim is to try ad tap into elements of that music as associated with The Byrds, Creedence Clearwater Revival and Ol’ Neil’s earlier recordings with Crazy Horse. As ever, we leave you dear listener to be the judge. Hit it!