Track Premiere: Couldn’t Be Happiers “When I Die”

Photo: Ken Bennett

Despite the above photograph we are assured that Jodi Hildebran Lee and Jordan Crosby Lee could not, in fact, be happier.  The duo are both law school graduates, but they did not meet in the courtroom, questioning the veracity of each other’s evidence – no they followed the more traditional route of meeting in Winston-Salem at an old-time music circle. That was way back in 2013 and, as you may already have surmised their friendship blossomed to the point where they ended up with the same surname – even before that they had  a connection strong enough for Jordan to pack up his dog and guitar and leave both Texas (where he was working) and the practice of law for a life of music with Jodi in North Carolina.

It all worked out fine – now they’ve got four dogs and a band, and they literally couldn’t be happier.  Nice.

And ‘When I Die‘ is equally not as downbeat as the name might hint at.  It’s a quiet wish that the karmic scales should be more than balanced “when I die and the universe takes stock / I hope I let more folks change lanes than I cut off / When I die if you do the math / I hope I stood for what was right more than I stood back.”  It’s a thought that sees even a reincarnated coming back – and being able to be, in some form, with one’s loved one – as less desirable than having lived a good enough life to not need to come back again.  It’s an optimistic song, for certain.

‘When I Die‘ is taken from the new album ‘Couple(t)s’.



About Jonathan Aird 2843 Articles
Sure, I could climb high in a tree, or go to Skye on my holiday. I could be happy. All I really want is the excitement of first hearing The Byrds, the amazement of decades of Dylan's music, or the thrill of seeing a band like The Long Ryders live. That's not much to ask, is it?
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