‘Demons‘ is the last single to be released prior to the arrival of Joana Serrat’s new album ‘Hardcore From The Heart’ comes out on June 11th. It is Serrat’s fifth album, and for the recording she travelled from her home in Vic, a small city near Barcelona, to Redwood Studio in Denton, Texas, where she teamed up with engineer and producer Ted Young (Kurt Vile, Sonic Youth, Lee Ranaldo).
‘Demons‘ grabs the listener straight off with glistening sonic layers, but the words are worth delving for, as Serrat draws on her own experiences of self-doubt and insecurity. As she explained: “I wrote Demons in a hotel lobby while waiting for my ride to take me to my next show. I woke up a little tired that morning and I was probably hung-over. Back in those days I was going through uncharted waters and although I loved being on the road, I hated the feeling of the loneliness that the hotel room would bring after a show. This song talks about that loneliness – “restless hearts that never mend” to quote The Eagles. I spent my twenties believing that I wasn’t made for a proper relationship , and then I met my partner. Recently, when I was facing a big personal crisis, all those fears emerged again. In a sense, it’s what I think Bob Dylan’s ‘Blood On The Tracks ’ is also about: if this precious relationship is not working then there is no way I am going to be successful in love. So I just reached the conclusion that I didn’t need to be fixed by love, by anything or by anyone.”