Track Premiere: The Armadillo Paradox “Can’t Hold A Job”

The Armadillo Paradox are a country/bluegrass influenced duo: Sol Chase brings the bluegrass and storyteller/former hip-hop artist Jared Huskey brings….the stories, but new single ‘Can’t Hold a Job‘ is hip-hop free.  It’s not such a strange path as it might sound, as Huskey takes a grounded approach to songwriting, bred from realism, and points out that there are parallels between the ethos of hip-hop and country music, both drawing on similar themes of hardship, evading the law, and unsatisfying love.  Sol Chase has more of a writer’s viewpoint on the stories in his songs, as he explains “I put my characters into hardship, imagining someone in a tough spot, then I will either write them out of it or deeper into that hole. It’s a way to work out emotional distress in my own life. I write about something that is so much worse than anything I’m going through to put things in perspective.

Can’t Hold a Job‘ is a point in case – as the job keeping skills that allude the narrator spiral out of control, to the point where even bank robbing is a career move too far.

And what is the Armadillo Paradox?  Jared Huskey explained that it’s a Texas thing: “They’re kind of glorified here, supposedly, their shells represent our state’s strength. But nine times out of ten, you see them dead on the side of the road.”  The Armadillo Paradox, though, are live and kicking – their debut album ‘Out of Gas in Oil Country ‘ is out on March 26th.

About Jonathan Aird 2914 Articles
Sure, I could climb high in a tree, or go to Skye on my holiday. I could be happy. All I really want is the excitement of first hearing The Byrds, the amazement of decades of Dylan's music, or the thrill of seeing a band like The Long Ryders live. That's not much to ask, is it?
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[…] The Armadillo Paradox are a country/bluegrass influenced duo: Sol Chase brings the bluegrass and storyteller/former hip-hop artist Jared Huskey brings….the stories, but new single ‘Can’t Hold a Job‘ is hip-hop free. READ MORE… […]