Track Premiere: The Neptunas “Mermaid A Go Go”

The ‘Mermaid A Go Go‘ is kinda a shady club, little more than a shack – you might think it’d be some kind of roadhouse, but where it is there’s no roads.  Here’s a hint – it’s only five clams to get into the place where the “mermen are flawless and the mermaids are bra-less“.   It’s the kind of place a Rock Lobster might hang out.  Still flailing around ?  OK.  Well, let’s let the band let you in on it: “The Neptunas have a shack down under the sea“. 

This LA (where else?) surf rock meets garage rock meets fifties girl band throwback comes from The Neptunas’ latest album (available from here ) which is cunningly also called  ‘Mermaid A Go Go‘.    Having been on something of a hiatus since their ’90s heyday, Pamita Neptuna (bass), Leslita Neptuna (guitar). and Laura Bethita Neptuna (drums) were reinvigorated in 2014 when the Breeders asking if they were still playing and would like to open for them on a West Coast tour.  The Neptunas proceeded to relearn their old songs and put together a tight set.  Leslita Neptuna filled us in “We found out later that the reason we were asked is because Kim Deal loved us so much and asked for us specifically.  She told us this when we were on tour and said that our music made her happy.  We told her that her music made us happy—it was a beautiful love fest.

The mix on the new album reflects where The Neptunas came from – playing only instrumentals – and where they are headed, more and sassier songs.  The new album’s going to make a big splash, so we invite you to…err…dive in early.  Big Splash.  Dive in.  Mermaids…. someone hit play.

Photo: Scott Slies

About Jonathan Aird 2976 Articles
Sure, I could climb high in a tree, or go to Skye on my holiday. I could be happy. All I really want is the excitement of first hearing The Byrds, the amazement of decades of Dylan's music, or the thrill of seeing a band like The Long Ryders live. That's not much to ask, is it?
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