And so we end a week of Track Premieres (we don’t post on Bank Holidays) with a new song from New York duo, The Storm Windows — Rob and Don Mathews. They’re following up their first eponymously titled album, and their second album called…’Second Album‘ – we’d have loved to have been on the brainstorming session for that one – with a five track EP called ‘Blue Town.’ Unlike their previous releases the new EP is comprised fully of original songs by The Storm Windows, they explain that the sound that they are aiming for is a timeless sound: “when we record our originals, we debate over a classic versus contemporary sound. Where we land is we want something that twenty years from now, or even twenty years ago, still sounds timely.””
This band of brothers decided to name their band in part as a tribute to one of their musical heroes, John Prine, “and in part as an appropriate description of some veteran musicians who have weathered a few storms but are still standing and singing about it,” Rob Explains.
Speaking of ‘I Find Trouble (Trouble Finds Me)‘ The Storm Windows told Americana UK that: “We write a lot of ‘road’ songs. This one is different. We think the title speaks for itself. Sometimes we’re running to something. Sometimes we’re running from something. Sometimes both.”