Why you can still be relevant as an artist in your 60s and living in Norfolk.
Amy Rigby started her career in New York when Television, Talking Heads and The Ramones were the leading bands, forming the Shams in the ‘80s before starting a solo career proper in 1996 with “Diary Of A Mod Housewife”. While maintaining her solo career she also played and recorded with her husband Eric Goulden, better known to most people as Wreckless Eric. If all this wasn’t enough, she has also found time to write her autobiography, bring up her daughter, and live in various countries and locations over the years. At the heart of her music is her songwriting, which has the power to make the ordinary extraordinary. Americana UK’s Martin Johnson caught up with Amy Rigby at her new home in Norfolk to discuss her new album “Hang In There With Me” which she recorded with her husband Eric, and the influence that the passing years have had on her songwriting. Mortality is clearly a fact of life as you get older, and she explains the impact the death of her friend David Olney had on her. She also explains the fun she had featuring the electric guitar on some of the songs. Finally, she talks about what living in England will mean this time.