We are delighted to share the brand new video from one of the UK’s finest singer-songwriters, Michael Weston King. On ‘The Hardest Thing of All’, King is ably supported by terrific musicians, including Clovis Phillips, who fills out the song with layers of guitar, Hammond organ and piano. The song is beautifully crafted and grows and changes subtly as the instrumentation weaves and intertwines around King’s voice. As ever, it is his voice, in particular, that impresses: King’s smooth vocal is rich, resonant and clear.
King’s words are real and raw: “When the hardest thing of all // Is just getting out of bed // And the sun that’s streaming in // Only lights a darkness in your head.” While there’s a bleakness to the lyrics, there is also some hope by the end of the song’s narrative, a sense that tomorrow might bring something better and that there are people who care. The song’s message ties in with the recent World Mental Health Day (10th October), seeking to raise awareness of, and sensitivity towards, the self-doubt and mental turmoil that many of us face. Alex Carr’s video, edited by David M. Dalglish, captures the story told through King’s words, visually representing the mental and emotional challenges and uncertainty he sings of. It’s effective and affecting in telling a powerful and important narrative.
‘The Hardest Thing of All’ is taken from ‘The Struggle’, King’s first solo record in ten years. After a decade and five albums created with his wife, Lou Dalgleish, as My Darling Clementine, this is a terrifically crafted and rewarding piece of work, inspired by storytellers like John Prine and the country and singer-songwriter sounds of the 1960s and 1970s. King is in the middle of a series of solo shows in the UK and Spain, finishing up at The Greys in Brighton, details below. These will be followed by some special winter performances in the UK as My Darling Clementine, details here. This is a great song from an excellent writer. Check it out.