The new single from Miss Tess, ‘Real change’, is effortlessly beautiful. Featuring the wonderful voices of Lindsay Lou and Rachael Davis in accompaniment to Miss Tess’s familiar weary vocal, the song is driven by a gentle melody and sweet, soothing harmonies.
Miss Tess delivers a positive message throughout the song: “I’m talking about real change // I’m talking about a new page // It’s missing in the history book // We got to take a real hard look // Keep talking about real change // Keep singing for a sunny day // Keep dreaming we can all agree // The sun shines for you and me.” Though direct and straightforward, the lyrics are disarmingly effective thanks to their hopeful sincerity and the quality of both the songcraft and the performance. The accompanying visual simply shows the trio singing to camera, an approach that allows the listener to focus more attention on the words and the tuneful harmonies.
The song was written with Maya de Vitry shortly after the death of George Floyd in America. ‘Real Change’ is about social justice and making a difference in a challenging world. Miss Tess explains: “The world will never be perfect, but we have to keep trying and insisting that real change is possible. The people must remember how much power they have.” This is a worthy follow-up to last year’s acclaimed album ‘The Moon is an Ashtray’. If you’re looking to brighten up your summer with a little love, harmony, unity and solidarity, then this is the song for you.