Video: Solak “Untitled Cowboy”

Image provided by Tell All Your Friends PR

Lukas meets Lukas in the surreal video for Solak’s new single ‘Untitled Cowboy’.    The video opens with songwriter Lukas Somers working at what appears to be a mundane office job.  As he rides his bike home through the Norwegian countryside glimpses of a doppelganger stalking him begin to appear.  When they finally meet face to face things take a strange turn.  The song is underpinned by a simple acoustic guitar with an arrangement that builds and swirls as the song unfolds featuring Beatlesque strings and eventually thundering drums.

Somers reflects on the process of making the new album,  “I still write on my own, and I obviously set some boundaries. But within that framework, the musicians are given the freedom to add their own personality. I enjoy that myself when I’m playing for someone else. The new songs cut deeper and crawl under your skin from the first listen. There is no point in trying to describe them with all kinds of adjectives. Music shouldn’t need any words to clarify itself. “I don’t want to give too much explanation about the songs,” says Somers. “The listeners will translate the atmosphere contained in the music to their own experiences.” 

‘Untitled Cowboy’ is the first single from the upcoming album ‘Atlas’ that will be available from Capitane Records on 15th November.

About Ed Donnelly 153 Articles
Ed Donnelly is a multi-instrumentalist, recording engineer and record producer from Los Angeles. He has worked with Willie Nelson, Crowded House, Marc Cohn, Jools Holland, Matchbox Twenty, The Cult, BoyHaunt, Gladys Knight, Trent Summar and The West Coast Mob, Smashing Pumpkins, Del McCoury, OK Go, Exodus, Molly Leach, Tom Morello, O.A.R., Madness, The Crystal Method, DrunkHungry, Deadmau5, Zac Brown, CrysP Tyger, Bighead Todd and the Monsters, Jake Shimabukuro, Barenaked Ladies, Tsar, Killola and more. Donnelly regularly performs with Nathan Jacques as well as Little Silver Hearts and records with GhostsDream. Little known fact: He previously held Top Secret Security Clearance with the U.S. Department of State and Q Clearance from the Department of Energy. He currently runs The Barber’s Basement Recording Studio in Highland Park and is a partner in The Atmos at Lemontree Studio.
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