Video: Widowspeak “Everything is Simple”

Photo credit: Alexa Viscius

The moody new single from Widowspeak explores how perspectives change over time as situations and relationships evolve.  Singer-songwriter Molly Hamilton and guitarist Robert Earl Thomas deliver a truly atmospheric song, held together by strong percussion and a warm bass.  Over the top, Hamilton’s melodic vocal is captivating.  The beautifully-shot video, directed by OTIUM, is themed around a rodeo and we see bulls being wrangled and cowboys trying to remain steady against the odds.  The director explains: “The concept is centred around the idea of trying, knowing that even if things turn out differently than you intend, the very act itself is what you are striving to achieve.”  It’s a fitting backdrop to Hamilton’s dreamily voiced lines: “Everything is simple ’til it’s not // learned to love the ropes when you were caught // see they could be braided a better way // and sinking into nothing – you learn to stay.”

Widowspeak say of the  idea behind the song: “At the beginning of something (a relationship, a project, a job, a new place) you have this very pure feeling toward it. Everything feels less complicated because you’re oriented wholly toward that potential. It’s undefined, and that makes it easier to understand, because you can’t see the problems yet. As time goes on, you learn more, you experience more, and you see where the limitations exist: not even necessarily ones imposed upon you, but where you draw your own lines. Maybe you can’t see what was holding you back until it’s in the past, and by then others’ perspectives contradict your own. Everyone is constructing their own versions of reality. The song was originally going to feed into the drama of the imaginary band, but it’s about our own band too. I was thinking about how I’m an inherently unreliable narrator about my own life, and at the same time maybe there are no ‘true’ stories.”

‘Everything is Simple’ is the first single from Widowspeak’s forthcoming sixth album, ‘The Jacket’, which is due for release on 11th March.  Check it out.

About Andrew Frolish 1613 Articles
From up north but now hiding in rural Suffolk. An insomniac music-lover. Love discovering new music to get lost in - country, singer-songwriters, Americana, rock...whatever. Currently enjoying Nils Lofgren, Ferris & Sylvester, Tommy Prine, Jarrod Dickenson, William Prince, Frank Turner, Our Man in the Field...
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Alan Ainsworth

Widowspeak have managed to keep “Everything Is Simple”, simple, but interesting. The background builds slowly but manages not to sound repetitious and Molly Hamilton,s vocal is clean and clear, excellent, well worth a listen.