Ethan Gold “Songs From a Toxic Apartment” (Gold, 2017)
As the title for this album might already suggest, if you’re looking for some music to get a Saturday night party underway this is not going to be your first port of call. “Songs From a […]
As the title for this album might already suggest, if you’re looking for some music to get a Saturday night party underway this is not going to be your first port of call. “Songs From a […]
The Sound of Ghosts are an Americana roots musical collective hailing from LA and who play a combination of traditional front porch Americana, folk-laden melodies and vintage rock’n’roll. Lead single Train to Nowhere is an upbeat folky song with driving […]
And it’s as oddly esoteric as you might imagine from his highness, amazing cover too. “The Pitch” reports: “Bonnie “Prince” Billy, aka Will Oldham, has announced a new album that covers Susanna’s 2007 LP Sonata Mix Dwarf […]
These songs have a vibe that, if it sat up a little, would be horizontal, a blissed out California sun-kissed feeling. They (rather Scott Kinnebrew) are infected with an enthusiasm for the present and for the […]
The new single from London’s Hanging Stars is just lovely cosmic americana and the video matches it perfectly. It all bodes very well indeed for their next album Songs For Somewhere Else, out on February 9th […]
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